XR Bath Youth


This page outlines our purpose and mission as a youth activist group in Bath, and how we fit into the wider movement of Extinction Rebellion. It is a work in progress, and should be changed to suit the context and the aims of the group, which is continually evolving. We formed in October 2019, to link together students and young people across Bath in collective action and movement building. This has various strands which we focus on as a group.

We are in the sixth mass extinction. The arctic is on fire, the amazon is on fire and we are currently on track for a devastating 5-7 degrees Celsius warming by 2100, creating a climate and ecology which will be unable to support the majority of the world population (1) (2). Across the world, millions are uniting to prevent catastrophe, from Extinction Rebellion to the Youth Strike for Climate. The majority of regional councils in the UK have declared a climate and ecological emergency, alongside business, universities and UK parliament (3). Action plans are being put in place to reach net zero emissions by 2030. Young people are already leading on this issue. XR Bath Youth will act as the catalyst for this change, uniting a group of students and young people in Bath area to act together in solidarity with the Earth and its beings. There are various youth groups in existence with similar aims, the Bath Youth Climate Alliance, XR Bath University, Bath Spa Eco Society and more. There are also other activist groups from all ages, particularly active are Bath XR. The aim is to add to and support this movement of movements. We will act in alignment to the shared principles and values, but with the autonomy and decentralisation that gives the movement such strength. By creating a space for youth involvement, we hope to bring a unique energy to the overall movement, and have the freedom to run the group with our own style and individuality.

  1. Tell the truth. Our government, media and institutions (especially schools) must tell the whole truth about the climate and ecological crisis, communicating the urgency for change.
  2. Act Now. Driving system change for a transformation of our society, to reach net zero emissions by 2025 and halt biodiversity loss.
  3. Citizens Assembly. The transition must be decided on in deliberative democracy by the people, in a citizens assembly on the climate and ecological crisis.

Young people have historically been drivers of change. We need an autonomous space to organise in our own creative and energetic ways, bringing this energy to the wisdom and experience of other sub-groups (in mutual support, not separation). We have potential to create actions and events which will have a unique tone and reach out to a wider subset of people e.g. organising a club night for XR, actions at a university/college campus.
In Bath, the main local group is continually expanding, and there is a need to utilise this energy and channel it effectively, rather than having skilled individuals lost in a large group. We have found that effective organisation/mobilisation works in holacratic and decentralised ways. Added to this is a need to diversify and reach out to all backgrounds. We can aid this process by diversifying the youth voice in this movement.
The aim is not to create a separate group to Bath XR and others, rather to build the existing network and expand the movement. Those active in XRBY are also part of the XR Bath network, and the mycelium XR network globally.

One of our primary aims is to support an international movement for environmental and social justice. We also aim to deepen this movement by supporting each other in these turbulent times, and create the regenerative culture that we need to sustain ourselves.

We will have close affiliation with local groups, in particular Extinction Rebellion Bath – an established group of over 300 people. Our structure will be non-hierarchical and decentralised, with rotating co-ordinations and facilitators to empower everyone to grow and lead, or to find their strength in a particular role (such as arts, outreach, media/messaging, actions). This structure also embeds a regenerative culture, and ensures co-ordinations are not stuck, left to burn-out. The structure will also aim to allow for the varying levels of commitment of students, given the nature of term times and exams, so that organisational/co-ordination pressure does not fall on any individual for a long period of time.

  • Universities and schools climate emergency declarations in Bath area
    Carbon neutral B&NES by 2030.
  • Support an international movement e.g. mobilise for national actions in London.
  • Work with existing green groups, Bath XR, People and Planet etc. (Alliance building)
  • Flight free 2020 campaign
  • Support the Youth Strikes for Climate (monthly in Bath – and globally)
  • Support each other. Allow time for rest and regeneration and social events.
  • Creative, visual and impactful actions in Bath to highlight the ecological crisis.

A few initial suggestions to strengthen our group, develop skills and raise awareness. Many of these we can facilitate ourselves, and some of these we can call in help from the XR network to deliver trainings and talks.

  • The XR Talk: ‘Heading for Extinction and what to do about it’
  • Non-violent Direct Action Training
  • Planning for the next Rebellion (23rd May, Spring Rebellion).
  • Regenerative Culture activities e.g. wellbeing, talking circles, tree planting, nature connection
  • Affinity group formation
  • Planning for actions e.g. die in, banner drop, direct action, visual/symbolic actions, mass tree planting,
  • Citizens assemblies – Why and how?
  • XR documentary
  • Transition towns and solutions zone sessions
  • Local volunteering e.g. tree planting, community farm, re-wilding

How to get involved:

  • Contact xrbathyouth@gmail.com
  • Follow the facebook page
  • Join the XRBY chat: [TODO – provide contact here, suggest the joining link is not shared publicly]
  • Get involved with the (city of) Bath Extinction Rebellion group – meetings are every Tuesday and Thursday evenings at a venue in the city centre, facebook page: Extinction Rebellion Bath.

xrby group roles

As our group expands, these are potential roles that can be filled. Specific mandates for each sub-group and role to be added…

  • One/two overall co-ordinators (can rotate every Semester or each academic year) 
Ensure overall communication (Information Flow) between parts of the group, guide direction and momentum of group, liaise with other local groups and go to Bath XR co-ordinators meeting (6-7pm Thursdays),
  • Co-ordinators for each team (below)
  • Social media, outreach, publicising,
  • Events and info on social media
  • Keeping our pages active and bringing in new members
  • Ensuring effective communication within the group and between other groups e.g. XR Bath.
  • Organise meetings for the group, booking a room if necessary and publishing time and place.
  • Email communications (xrbathyouth@hotmail.com –> Rebel4life)
  • WhatsApp chat and other comms
  • Creating, designing and planning actions
  • Supporting other actions e.g. from Bath XR, Bristol XR, national XR, Youth strikes.
  • Ensuring that the group follows the regenerative culture principle
  • Supports group members in resting appropriately, and taking time out
  • Arranging socials, fun stuff, regenerative activities e.g. tree planting, yoga, volunteer days…
  • Enlarging and diversifying the group
  • Through talks, media, messaging, publicising, linking with other groups etc.
  • Keeping up to date with XR overall strategy and direction, aligning our groups activities with the movement for maximum effect.
  • Analyses what actions are most necessary and effective for our group
  • Fairly active on ‘basecamp’ – the online hub for XR with info, resources and discussion.



We regularly produce a newsletter to keep our supporters updated on recent and upcoming events. In the next section you can view the full version of the latest newsletter, and in the section after that are links to the 5 most recent newsletters.

Cover for Extinction Rebellion Bath
Extinction Rebellion Bath

Extinction Rebellion Bath

The political establishment has placed us on a course to genocide and threatens all life on earth, including our own. Extinction Rebellion is a necessity.

1 years ago

Extinction Rebellion Bath
Extinction Rebellion Bath's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less
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