We rely on the generosity of people like you to help fund our activities. The easiest way for you to give is by scanning this QR code with your phone, which will take you to our fundraising page. Alternatively, please see below for all the ways you can donate. Please give whatever you can afford – together we can make change! Thank you.

how to give

You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular standing order donation directly into our bank account using the details below. A direct donation incurs less cost, so we will receive more of the money you donate.
Bank: Triodos
Account Name: Bath Extinction Rebellion
Account Number: 21179662
Sort Code: 16-58-10
Triodos bank is a social and ethical UK bank with a focus on sustainable communities.

You can now donate using an online giving platform.

Sometimes there is nothing better than doing things face-to-face. We have a collection box at all our regular meetings. Drop by, say hello and find out what we're working on - you will receive a warm welcome.
what we do
Our work involves:
- Building a powerful grassroots movement to bring about system change
- Taking action to raise the alarm
- Informing the public by telling the truth
- Producing stunning artwork to amplify the impact of our message
- Training so that everybody is prepared and effective
how we use your donations
Our expenditure includes:
- Venue hire for meetings and outreach talks
- Printing leaflets, posters, banners and art supplies
- Food to provide free meals at meetings
- Website hosting
- Transport to large actions