Write To Your MP About The CEE Bill

Make the CEE Bill law

Getting the Climate & Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill passed into law is a big challenge, but also a huge opportunity. If made law, the CEE Bill will ensure the UK Government treats the twin crises of the climate & ecological emergencies with the urgency demanded by both.

We need to give this campaign everything we’ve got!

Writing to your mp is quick & effective

Contacting your MP and letting them know the things you care about really does work. Sending an email is great – and posting a letter is even better. Be polite and to the point, letting them know:

  • Who you are and whether you have been in touch before
  • Your address (to show you are in their constituency and ensure they reply)
  • Why the climate and ecological emergency is so important to you
  • Why you think they should support the CEE bill. This might be because passing the CEE bill ensures that:
    • Our entire carbon footprint is taken into account (including all of the emissions of aviation, shipping and linked to the production and transport of goods from overseas that we consume in the UK)
    • We don’t depend on carbon capture technology to save the day as an excuse for inaction on reducing emissions levels
    • We focus on nature as much as climate, protecting and conserving habitats in the UK and internationally on supply chains
    • Citizens are central to deciding how to move forward, in a Citizens’ Assembly with real teeth
    • Equity must be taken into account when considering which measures to take

Ready to make a difference?

Contact details for the local MPs representing Bath and surrounding areas are shown below. If you don’t live in one of those constituencies, you can find details of your MP here.

    • Wera Hobhouse is MP for Bath, contact info here.
    • Jacob Rees-Mogg is MP for North East Somerset, contact info here.
    • Michelle Donelan is MP for Chippenham, contact info here

Download the CEE Bill

You can download the CEE Bill from www.ceebill.uk.

Follow up

If you receive a reply from your MP, positive or negative,  please do inform the CEE Bill campaign team at CEEbill@protonmail.com.